I've been running CursorFX Plus, Object Desktop and Object Dock Plus for a couple of months now on my 2.0gig dual core Asus laptop 4gigs of memory installed with vista x32 home edition. There are some programs that I can never get to work. They won't even open. I've tried the uninstall and reinstall thing and it hasn't worked. I think these programs maybe XP only. Are all the object desktop programs supposed to work with vista? The only one that I really would...
Like the title says...When I install an icon package using icon packager it does not install the medium, large or extra large icons. If I view the folders using small icons the installed icons show up but when I switch the view to medium, large or extra large the icons are all the default (the old school yellow folder icons). I tried going into icon packager and doing a rebuild cache then repair icon images the icons will change to the correct installed icons for a couple of seconds ...