My site
I downloaded the Wincustomize Browser and when I download anything the status bar at the bottom says the download was successful but the file never downloads. Anyone know what the problems is? The KB indicator even shows the bits incrementing up like it is being download but when you look into the directory there's nothing. I did a search on the PC so I know the files aren't being downloaded. Is this thing not vista compatable? I paid 20 bones for a premium membership because I thought this would be a lot easier to use. I think this browser is a waste from what I've read about the problems of it. Anyone seeing this? Thanks everyone. love the site.

I got vista 32, a cable connection and a nice ass computer.
on Feb 06, 2008
shawnjam I use the WC Browser to download also, I'm not on Vista though. Once the download in complete and it shows as being successful look at the upper right hand side. There are some selection there, click install. This is what I do for Stardock stuff. For other stuff like Rainlendar you need to go to the file that it installed to, find it, double click on it (usually is a zip) and then extract it to where it needs to go.

This works for me, hope it solves your problem.